Check out some weight loss tips by burning calories below!
WEIGHT LOSS TIPS – Here are some of the most effective exercises and workouts you must do to burn lots of calories and lose weight.
Working on our body is definitely a hard task most especially amid the quarantine where most of us get stressed over the health crisis the world is currently facing. But knowing that exercising brings a lot of benefits, you might change your mind by now and start shedding off those extra pounds.

To control weight, reduce heart disease, manage blood sugar, improve mental health, and increased chance to live longer are just some of the few essential benefits we can get being active everyday. And amid the lockdown, many has gained weight but luckily, there are a lot of ways to shed the excess weight off.
Here are some activities to burn lost calories to shed off weight:
- 30 minutes of jumping jacks can burn 153 calories if you weigh 150 pounds and you can do this in a moderate pace
- do burpees and burn 300 calories in 30 minutes to which in one rep, you have to squat down, launch your feet back, and land in push-up position then do a push-up, hop your feet to the back of your hands, and jump up
- 276 calories will be burned if climb the stairs in 30 minutes
- to also improve cardio and strength aside from burning 318 calories, do hiking starting in a mile or tea
- either on a treadmill or outside, one of the easiest way to burn up to 500 calories is running for 30 minutes
- a 150-pound person can burn around 135 calories in 10 minutes by doing jumping rope
- swimming for 13 minutes vigorously or 19 minutes moderately can burn calories
- Weight Loss: Simple Activities To Do To Burn 100 Calories
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