Few physical activities to help you burn calories at 200 in just less than an hour of doing it.
BURN CALORIES – Here are some of the physical activities that you might want to do in just less than an hour to help you burn 200 calories.
We always consume extra calories giving up our healthy resolutions for countless of times which eventually results to weight gain. BUT before splurging on to an extra glass of wine or another cup of rice, you have to know what to do how to burn those.

May you be at home or gym, here are some activities to help you burn 200 calories in just less than an hour:
- Biking at a speed of 10 to 12 mph for 30 minutes can burn 210 calories.
- Burn 200 calories by doing some jumps in a jumping rope for 10 to 15 minutes.
- Climb the stairs may you be at the gym using stair climber, stairs at home, at a park or just anywhere because doing so in 30 minutes can lose off 200 calories. This isn’t just simply an alternative when there’s no elevator.
- Dancing alone, with a partner, or with a group can burn 216 calories in just 40 minutes.
- Hit the circuit training as it does not only make you burn 200 calories in 20 minutes but also defines your muscles and improves bone strength.
- 25-minute jog or 45 minutes of brisk walking can burn 218 and 200 calories, respectively.
- One of the best exercises is swimming where you can lose 215 calories in 30 minutes as per article from Healthy Women.

Working out might tough but this is something that your body will thank you later on. This is most especially if you have a busy schedule because losing weight is no joke, it is indeed difficult. However, increase of metabolism is one benefit which you must remember, so, sweat those excess calories and get fit.
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