Superman Exercise – What Is This and Its Benefits?

How to do the Superman exercise? This is how you do it!

SUPERMAN EXERCISE – A type of exercise that has countless benefits is the Superman exercise. This is how you do it and its benefits.

Why should you not skip doing the Superman exercise?

This exercise targets the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. It is also a great exercise that complements core exercises.

How do you do this properly? What are its benefits?

Superman Exercise
Photo lifted from Runner’s World

Here’s how:

  1. Lie in a facedown position on the floor.
  2. Keep your legs straight and your both arms extended in front of you.
  3. Keep your head in a neutral position. Don’t look up.
  4. Slowly lift your arms and legs until you feel the muscle contraction in your lower back muscles.
  5. Make sure you engaged your glutes, core, and muscles between your shoulder blades.
  6. Also, aim to fit your belly button off the floor. This way, your abs will contract.
  7. Hold this for 2–3 seconds and repeat for 2–3 sets of 8–12 reps.

According to a post from Women’s Health Mag, there are its benefits:

  • It can help your lower back be stronger and more flexible.
  • Improve your glutes and hamstrings.
  • This exercise engages your core which means it helps strengthen your core.

This exercise ensures that your back is not ignored. Among the most common mistakes we make is straining our necks as some tend to look up while they lift their upper body. Another mistake is doing it really fast. The key to having the maximum benefits is doing it slowly and with control.

You may also try doing its different variations such as:

  1. Alternating Superman
  2. Elbows Bent Superman
  3. Reverse Superman
  4. Superman Ball Lift


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