Here are some of the benefits of plank exercise that you should know!
PLANK EXERCISE – To do a plank exercise everyday can bring a lot of benefits to your body and here are some that you should know.
One of the most effective ways to get you in shape is planking. Doing this strengthens your core muscles which is very important because building you core muscles can result to big improvement on your ability to move and exercise further.

There are various types on how to do a plank such as with leg lift, arm lift, and among others. And there are also common mistakes when doing a plank like arching back, sagging hips, and tilting up the head. The simple act doing this is not hard but to hold this for several seconds and minutes is a whole lot of different story.
Now, here are some benefits you should know about planking to motivate you to keep doing it everyday:
- Improve posture – it strengthens your back, chest, shoulders, neck, and abs which is good to do from a day of sitting at an office desk.
- Increase flexibility – this is one way to stretch the lower half of your body.
- Heighten metabolism – an increase muscle mass can improve and boost your metabolism.
- Reduce back pain – since planking strengthens the core, it can reduce pain you have in your lower back.
- Improve balance – doing a plank require you to hold the pose for several seconds or minutes, thus, it can also result to improved balance and coordination.
- Boost mood – aside from boosting your mood, planking also releases tension from being stressed based on article from this is because planking or any physical activity releases a neurochemical substance called endorphins.
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