Here are the causes of muscle fatigue
Muscle fatigue can develop after exercise but it can also happen when you are under some medications or health conditions like anemia, dehydration, depression, hepatitis C, and others.
Exercise can make your body and muscles stronger. However, when you are doing this repeatedly, with repeated moments, your muscles may begin to feel weaker and tired. Then, the fatigue happens in your muscles and it is when your muscles’ ability to perform over time decreases.
Then, the force behind your muscles’ movements decreases and this makes you feel weaker. Based on the article in Healthline, here are the other causes of this.

Other Causes:
- Addison’s disease
- age
- anaerobic infections
- anemia
- anxiety
- botulism
- cerebral palsy
- chemotherapy
- chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
- dehydration
- depression
- fibromyalgia
- hepatitis C
- hypothyroidism
- influenza (the flu)
- lack of exercise
- lactic acid production
- medications
- mineral deficiency
- muscular dystrophy
- myasthenia gravis
- myositis (muscle inflammation)
- poor muscle tone due to a medical condition
- pregnancy
- sleep deprivation
- stroke
- tuberculosis
- soreness
- localized pain
- shortness of breath
- muscle twitching
- trembling
- a weak grip
- muscle cramps
For the treatment, knowing the underlying cause of the muscle fatigue and accompanying symptoms should be determined first. If experiencing this condition that is unrelated to exercise, you should call your doctor.
Most of the time, muscle fatigue will improve with rest and recovery. It is also important to stay hydrated and maintain a healthy diet. This can improve the recovery time, and protect you from fatigue and weakness. Be sure also that you have enough nutrients to promote healthy muscle function.
You can also do stretching before and after strenuous activity. Having a warm-up routine can loosen your muscles and protect against injury. If this condition reaches a severe point, your doctor may recommend physical therapy to increase your mobility and speed your recovery.