Root Canal – What Is Root Canal and What Is This Treatment For?

Here are some of the things to know about a root canal and what’s the purpose of this treatment.

ROOT CANAL – A famous dental procedure root canal has this purpose and here are some of the other things to know about this.

Smiling, as they said, is a curve that gets everything straight. And what makes a smile beautiful? If you have beautiful teeth. Apart from a smile reaching the eyes due to genuine feelings, a perfect set of white teeth makes a smile of a person more beautiful and more appealing.

Root Canal
Photo lifted from Medical News Today

Having nice teeth will give someone the impression that you don’t have bad breath. It also speaks volumes about your hygiene.

And one of the procedures commonly done to maintain dental health is called a root canal. This procedure is done to remove the soft center of the tooth called the pulp. The pulp is the one making a tooth grow because it is made up of nerves, connective tissue, and blood vessels.

Many people think this procedure is scary or painful but general dentists or endodontists of the present time have more advanced technology and equipment. An endodontist now uses local anesthesia. This is used to numb the tooth and the area surrounding it so you won’t feel the pain while the procedure is being done.

A tooth’s pulp may be damaged by:

  • deep decay because of an untreated cavity
  • the multiple procedures that is done on one tooth
  • a chip or crack
  • injury

The first step in doing this procedure is applying anesthesia. You might be awake during the treatment but you will never feel any physical pain. The pulp will then be removed by the dentist using special tools.

To prevent infection and such sorts, your dentist may now put topical antibiotic and right after that, the tooth will be covered by a sealer paste and gutta-percha, a rubber-like thing.

According to the American Association of Endodontists, the following are the benefits of this treatment:

  • Efficient chewing
  • Normal biting force and sensation
  • Natural appearance
  • Protects other teeth from excessive wear or strain


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