False Pregnancy: The Causes & Symptoms of Pseudocyesis

Guide on False Pregnancy – Why It Happens & the Signs

FALSE PREGNANCY – Here is a guide on the causes and symptoms of this rare condition that is clinically called “Pseudocyesis”.

One of the ultimate dreams of many women is getting pregnant. It is exciting to see a mini version of yourself or your partner and enjoy your growing family. However, while pregnancy seems to be a normal thing among some women, there are women who struggle to get pregnant.

Some women even go through laboratory tests and medications in the pursuit to get pregnant. Others even find other possible means like paying for the in-vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure.

Sadly, there are unfortunate cases that can further test the strength of women – just like “false pregnancy”.

False Pregnancy

Clinically called pseudocyesis, false pregnancy is a condition wherein the body of a woman is showing symptoms similar to what a “real pregnant” woman goes through. However, in the said case, there is no fetus inside the womb.

Based on an article on Web MD, a woman who is undergoing pseudocyesis may also miss her monthly period. Furthermore, she may also experience the following signs of pregnancy:

  • swollen belly
  • feeling of fetal movements
  • milk production
  • nausea
  • weight gain

What causes false pregnancy? Based on the article, the causes of pseudocyesis remain unknown but some doctors point to psychological factors making the body believe that it is pregnant.

The experts cite the intense desire of a woman to get pregnant as an example. The brain may misinterpret it as pregnancy which may further lead to the release of the hormones that can trigger the pregnancy symptoms. That is when the woman may start experiencing signs like vomiting in the morning, adding extra pounds fast, and swollen parts of the body. To be assured, it is important to be checked by a doctor.

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