Food To Make You Smart According To Dr. Willie Ong (LIST)

Food To Make You Smart by Dr Willie Ong

Dr. Willie Ong Cites List of Food To Make You Smart FOOD TO MAKE YOU SMART – Doctor Willie Ong cited the list of food that can help you improve your intelligence or thinking skills. Intelligence is not measured simply through academic achievements. As Howard Gardner believers, there are multiple types of intelligence including those … Read more

Doc Willie Ong Points Out Diseases Caused By Night Shift Jobs

Doc Willie Ong

Diseases Caused by Night Shift Jobs According to Doc Willie Ong DOC WILLIE ONG – Doctor Willie Ong pointed out the diseases that we can get from jobs that require night shift or simply being awake almost every night. Several kinds of jobs exist in the world nowadays. Some are brought by the advancement in … Read more

HEALTH TIPS – Signs & Indications That You Are Not Healthy

Health Tips

Here are some health tips from Doc Willie Ong. HEALTH TIPS – The medical expert Doc Willie Ong cites signs and indications which might tell that a person is not healthy anymore. Everyone wants to be healthy that is why, we have to look after ourselves and if ever we feel like something is not … Read more