Guide on How to Clear a Messy Mind amid Heavy Thoughts
HOW TO CLEAR A MESSY MIND – Busy days often come along with a loaded mind and it’s a whole lot better if you know how to clear it first.
The mind has a huge part of the power to make things around you work. Most of the time, if a person is not mentally capable to focus on something at the moment, there is a possibility that that person will project the clutter inside to external factors.
Thus, it is really important to recognize the things inside your mind and there are better things for those who know how to clear a messy mind amid busy days.

Based on an article on Acuity Mag, there are at least eight (8) ways on how to clear a messy mind amid busy days. Here is a list of what you can do to be more mentally prepared for everything:
- Make a to-do list – It is important to make an actual list more than just having things that you have to do in mind. If you already have the list, rank them in order of priority and start slashing each after you’re done with it.
- Clean up your actual clutter – Tidying the things around you can help change your state of mind. A messy environment like a cluttered bedroom or work area can be a big contributor to a messy mind.
- Rethink your thinking – Think of the positive things and teach your brain to only consider a positive self talk.
- Eat, sleep, and live well – The healthier you are, the happier you can be and vice versa. Rest is an integral part of keeping everything in you healthy.
- Less screen time – Give yourself time away from the television, computer, and mobile phone.
- Stop trying to please everyone – As stressed in the article, you cannot please everyone so you must stop doing so and cater only what fits your schedule and what is needed the most within it.
- Live in the present – Focusing on the present is important as being too futuristic may get you fears and problems that aren’t actually there and may make you miss a lot of good things as of the moment.
- Make your own sanctuary – Make sure to have your own escape place or activity that will make you forget the noise of the world.
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