What is hair waxing and its different types?
There are many options available; picking the right type of hair waxing can somehow become a challenge and here are some details to know first.
Waxing is a process of removing hair by using strip wax which effectively removes the hair from the root.
Having unwanted, extra body hair is normal. There are actually cases where a person can have so much unwanted hair in the body like the Thai girl who was recognized as the World’s Hairiest Girl. If you are seeking ways to get rid of it, one way is to grab a razor and shave it. However, this won’t last weeks. What could last longer without the stubble is waxing.
A quick look back, waxing originated in Egypt. It has been reported that the Ramses III harem women have hairless and smooth skin. Therefore, it is possible that this process of hair removal already existed around 3000 BC. Legs and underarms were mostly the areas of concern.

One of the questions often ask after waxing is: Will the hair grow back thicker, darker, or heavier? The answer to this is no. You will actually receive benefits such as smooth and even skin. This is because apart from hair, dry and dead skin cells are also waxed away in the process.
You won’t be at risk of any cuts or nicks, stubble-free, slow hair re-growth, and irritation and allergies rarely happen.
Here are the various types of wax:
- Soft wax or strip waxing. This is what is usually used in arms and legs. A thin layer of wax is applied on the skin directly then a strip of cloth is put above it and then pulled off taking the hair with it. This is used to get rid of tiny, fine hair.
- Hard wax. This is the type used in sensitive areas such as the upper lip, underarms, and bikini area.
- Fruit wax. This is pretty much similar to hard body wax. This is also suggested for sensitive skin but it comes with fruit extracts. This type of wax has antioxidants and vitamins that nourish the skin.
- Chocolate wax. This is also antioxidant-rich and puts lesser pain. The benefits of this type have mainly come from the chocolate.
- Sugar wax. This type is mainly made of sugar, lemon, and hot water. Because of these natural ingredients, this is ideal for people with sensitive skin.
When it comes to waxing, remember to not do it on sunburned or very sensitive skin. You can’t also do this if you have taken isotretinoin in the last six months. Brazilian wax is also best done by professionals.
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