Here are some things to know about fungal acne and how to treat this.
FUNGAL ACNE – This is how you can identify if your acne is fungal acne and the best ways to treat this skin condition.
Acne is a common skin problem. Several factors can cause this such as poor food choices, lifestyle, hygiene, and many others. It has several types and in this post, we will look closely at one particular type called “fungal acne”.

Board-certified dermatologist Morgan Rabach said this type of acne is similar to the regular ones. It is caused by the overgrowth of yeast, or pityrosporum folliculitis (malassezia folliculitis) – a type of fungus.
It has nothing to do with fungus. It is a folliculitis, or infection of the tiny hair follicles on the face or body. This results in the development of papules, small, raised, solid bumps that resemble pimples.
How can you identify this type of acne? Since it is much like just the normal ones we have, we can know that one is the fungal type if it is itchy and if there is the presence of whiteheads or blackheads the size of a millimeter big.
Typically, this type appears in on the chest, back, and upper arms. It may also develop on the face.
These are the possible reasons:
- heat and humidity
- sweat
- antibiotics overdose
- compromised immune system
- being in contact with someone who has it
- tight clothing
According to a post from WebMD, here are some ways that may help prevent and treat this skin condition:
- use of anti-yeast and antifungal treatments
- showering after workout
- change sweaty exercise clothes immediately
- wear loose clothes and breathable fabrics
Eating a balanced diet with fruits, vegetables, and proteins will prevent the growth of yeast. Remember that yeast thrives on sugary carbohydrates.
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