10 Tips on How To Be Happy According to Doc Willie Ong
DOC WILLIE ONG – Famous Filipino doctor Willie Ong shared ten(10) tips on how to be happy through a video.
Undeniably, a lot of people are unhappy with their lives. There are also those who are unconsciously unhappy and they did not notice it as they are preoccupied with a lot of things. Have you ever asked yourself if you are happy?

Happiness may be brought by our environment including the people and the things happening around us. However, there are times that it is our primary duty to make an effort to make ourselves happy as not all situations will favor us.
There are actually a lot of ways on how to be happy and these are what Doc Willie Ong discussed in a video posted on YouTube. Here is a list of the ten(10) tips on how to be happy:
1. Decide to be happy. Think and do the things that will make you happy. Include in your happiness the joy of your loved ones as well.
2. Use your talent. You may be good in dancing, singing, writing, or any other talent of yours. Use it and enhance it more as it will build your confidence and will give you joy.
3. Play. According to Doc Willie Ong, one of the ways on how to be happy is to play with kids. Also, make time for sports and relaxation.
4. Count your blessings. Counting your blessings can really elicit a positive vibe. Thank the Lord for all you are receiving may it be big or small.
5. Love yourself. Doc Willie cited that everyone commits a mistake. The important thing is you fix it and ask forgiveness. It is important that you forgive yourself as well.
6. Look at the beauty of nature. You may check on the sunrise, smell some fresh air, or listen to the chirping of the birds. The nature is full of happy vibes.
7. Take a time to relax. If you are tired from work, you can take a bath with a lukewarm water and then relax by reading a comics or doing something you love.
8. Build closer relationships with your family and friends. Doc Willie cited that research states that talking with your best friend for an hour is equivalent to the effect of a tablet of pain reliever.
9. Get an optimistic friend. Have a friend who is always happy and got a positive view of life.
10. Help others. According to Doc Willie, research states that that production of endorphin, a chemical that boosts the energy in the body and makes us happy, increases when we are helping others.
Here is the video of Dr. Willie Ong on his YouTube channel:
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