Discussion on the Quest If Centipede Bites are Poisonous & the First-Aid Remedies
ARE CENTIPEDE BITES POISONOUS – Here is a guide on whether or not there is something that you must worry if you got bitten by a centipede.
One of the predatory arthropods that can be found anywhere is the centipede, an elongated segmented creature that belongs to the class Chilopoda of the subphylum Myriapoda. It has one (1) pair of legs per segment of its body.
Centipedes are often found in gardens that is why the common victims of its painful bites are gardeners. They are venomous. While their bite can really bring a lot of pain, there is also a category of this type of insect that are known to help in the household pest control such as limiting moths, cockroaches, termites, silverfish, and even flies.

However, are centipede bites poisonous to humans?
Centipede bites may post serious harm to small insects that makes them an agent in controlling other insects but their venom is known to have no capacity to pose serious threats to humans as per Healthline. However, a bite can bring you pain and inflammation.
The bigger the centipede, the more painful the bite may be. In case of a centipede bite, it is suggested that you immerse the affected area in warm water or perform hot compress right away. The venom of the centipede is known to be heat-labile.
The area stung by the centipede may swell. To ease the pain and inflammation, you may put on a cold compress. You may also take pain relievers to help reduce the pain cause by the swelling.
In some cases, some people might be allergic to the venom of a centipede and may require medications prescribed by an expert. Always, it is best to have a check up with a doctor as soon as possible.