Painful Feet? Dr. Willie & Dr. Liza Ong Share Simple Exercises

Simple Exercises for Painful Feet According to Dr. Willie and Dr. Liza Ong

PAINFUL FEET – Here are some simple exercises to ease it according to doctor Willie Ong and his wife, Dr. Liza Ong.

When it comes to body pains, one of those that is common among many people is the pain we feel in our feet. These can be caused by a lot of factors.

Based on a video of Dr. Willie and Dr. Liza Ong, painful feet can be due to too much walking or to being overweight. It may also be due to prolonged sitting for a long period of time.

Painful Feet by Dr Willie and Dr Liza Ong

The doctors also named plantar fasciitis as one of the possible causes. It is an acute form of inflammation found in the ligament-type tissue that stretches across the foot.

Based on the video, the experts would usually advise “Rice” or Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation to ease the pain in the feet. Here is a guide on each:

  • Rest – Rest your muscles for one (1) to two (2) days. This can also be applied to other parts of the body like your arm and legs.
  • Ice – Apply ice to reduce inflammation due to injuries.
  • Compression – This is to reduce inflammation and give support to injured muscles.
  • Elevation – Elevate your foot higher than your heart so that the blood will come down.

Aside from the RICE, there are also simple exercises that you can do to ease painful feet. Here are the advises of Dr. Willie and Dr. Liza Ong based on the video:

  1. Use a tennis ball or golf ball. Step on the tennis ball using your toe tips for about 30 seconds to one (1) minute. Apply a small amount of pressure to stretch your foot ligaments. After it, move your toe tips to the part where pain can be felt and do the same by applying pressure gently for about 30 seconds to one (1) minute. If there is too much pain, you can use ice bottle and massage your foot by stepping on it and move back and forth for about three (3) minutes.
  2. Face the wall and press your hand firmly on the wall with feet flat on the ground. Gently lean forward to create about 10 to 20 degrees angle in your heel and ankle causing the ligaments to stretch. Do this for 10 to 20 seconds.
  3. If you have a ladder in your house. Step on it using only the sole of both feet.
  4. Massage your foot it is best if you have a partner or someone to help you massage it. Meanwhile, you can do it on your won. Gently massage those ligaments to release trapped air.
  5. Based on the video, a tennis ball can also be used for back pain. Put it under your body while you are lying down specifically to the spots where the muscles became hard. You can do this in the sofa, bed, or in the wall just make sure you are not pressing it too much.

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