These are the benefits of oregano! Check it out below!
OREGANO – Origanum vulgare or oregano is an herb and these are the other health benefits and good effects it can do.
Brittanica classified oregano as an herb that is also called origanum or wild marjoram. It stated that this is an “aromatic perennial herb of the mint family (Lamiaceae) known for its flavourful dried leaves and flowering tops”.

Origanum is accordingly native to the aromatic perennial herb of the mint family (Lamiaceae) known for its flavourful dried leaves and flowering tops. It has a lot of culinary uses, especially in Mediterranean dishes. It is commonly used as a food flavoring.
The plant has olive-green leaves and purple flowers and is related to other plant herbs such as mint, thyme, marjoram, and basil.
Apart from its culinary uses, it is also famous to help ease a cough. It has compounds that can relieve cough, improve digestion, and fight against some bacteria and viruses. However, these claims have little scientific evidence to prove that they are true.
Here are some other benefits of this:
- It is rich in antioxidants. According to a study, the essential oil of this is high in carvacrol and thymol, the antioxidants that are said to prevent cell damage caused by free radicals.
- There are some test-tube studies that are effective to fight against bacteria like Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa which both can cause infection.
- It could have anti-cancer properties due to the antioxidants it has. A test-tube study has discovered that the extract stopped the growth of colon cancer cells and eventually killed them off.
- Since it can fight against bacteria, it will likely reduce the risk of infection.
- Carvacrol, an antioxidant it contains, has anti-inflammatory properties.
- It is flexible and can easily be added to your dishes. It may be used as a topping in pizzas and pasta dishes. You may also sprinkle it on soups or stews.
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