Here are the Myths About Organ Donation
Myths About Organ Donation – These are the misconceptions about donating an organ that many people might still believe.
Organ donation is very important in the world of medicine as this can save the lives of many people. Certain medical conditions need transplants and this is not an easy thing because some recipients have to wait for a long time before a donor will come.
On the other hand, there are still a lot of misconceptions about this, based on the article in Mental Floss these are the MYTHS about organ donation.

Everyone who signs up to be an organ donor will end up being one
Many people have registered as donors but few will be able to actually donate. A successful transplant depends on many factors and one of these is the time when organs remain viable once they’re procured. There is only a time frame of four hours for a heart, 24 for a liver, and 36 for a kidney.
Doctors don’t work as hard to save the lives of organ donors
Medical professionals are bound by the Hippocratic oath. They had the obligation not to harm any patient, and if they did so, they could open themselves to career-ending malpractice lawsuits and professional discipline.
Organ donors can’t have open-casket funerals
The organs are removed and incisions are closed in the hours after a donor’s death. The body is turned over to the family 24 to 36 hours later to be prepared and clothed for an open-casket service according to how the family prefers.
Your family will be charged for your organ donation
The donor is not paid for the donation, as well as the family. Usually, it is the recipient or their insurance company that is responsible for any costs related to the procedure.
You can donate organs only when you’re dead
Only family members can donate and receive kidneys
Your organs could be harvested prematurely
You have to be young to donate organs
There’s an age limit for receiving donated organs