Guide on the Healthiest Foods for Dogs & their Contents
HEALTHIEST FOODS FOR DOGS – Here is a guide on the human foods that you can give to your furbabies to boost their health.
Undeniably, while dogs are among the easiest animals to deal with and the most affectionate, taking care of a dog is a challenging thing if you really want your furbaby to live long and healthy. You cannot just give your furbaby anything that you are eating.

There are a lot of human foods that are bad for dogs because of what they contains that could trigger several unwanted scenarios — vomiting, seizure, irregular heartbeats, coma, and, worst, death. These foods include chocolates, seeds of fruits, and raw tomatoes and potatoes.
Meanwhile, while there are human foods that are bad for dogs, there are also the healthiest foods for dogs which humans usually eat, too. Thus, it is safe to give in to those puppy eyes whenever you are eating these foods.

Peanut Butter
The protein, niacin, Vitamin B, healthy fats, and Vitamin E in peanut butter are safe and healthy for dogs. However, it is important to choose an unsalted peanut butter as too much salt can also hurt your dogs. Give your dogs in moderate amounts only to avoid obesity.
If your dog is not lactose intolerant or does not get diarrhea from eating cheese. it is one of the healthiest human foods for dogs. It is high in protein and calcium which can both contribute to your dog’s health. Also, this is easy for dogs to digest. You can give your furbaby mozzarella, cottage cheese, or cheddar.
Giving your dog salmon can help in the development of healthy skin and shiny coat. It is a powerhouse of protein and omega 3 fatty acids. It also boosts the immune system of the dog. However, it is best to give cooked salmon to your dog as raw ones may bring your furbaby parasites.
Plain Yogurt
Are you fond of eating plain yogurt? The next time you eat it, you can give your dog some. It contains protein, digestive cultures, and calcium which are healthy for dogs. It can help boost the digestive health of your furbaby.
If you dog is not sensitive to grains, giving it oatmeal can help keep your furbaby healthy with the minerals, vitamins, and dietary fiber that the food contains. It promotes a healthy digestive system that is why it is advised for dogs with an upset tummy.
Chicken is undeniably one of the most favorite food of dogs. It is also one of the healthy human foods for your furbabies as long as there are no sauces, seasonings, and marinades. It is also best to remove the fats and skin. It can bring extra protein to your dog.