Here are some facts and health tips about dizziness.
HEALTH TIPS – Here are the possible reasons behind why you feel dizzy from standing up suddenly or bending over, you probably don’t know yet.
Dizziness is the tension or sensation of swirling surroundings which is accordingly a common occurrence. Skipping a meal, overheated, or being overtired are the usual causes, however sometimes, if dizziness becomes severe, happens frequently, and comes with blacking out, vomiting, chest pain, and blurred vision, you will need to have it checked.

Meanwhile, below are the probable reasons behind:
- Dehydration: It is possible which is why a general key for a healthy life is to drink enough water throughout the day.
- Low Blood Sugar: Not eating or not eating enough can cause woozy feeling and for people with diabetic, it is important to keep your blood sugar level stable.
- Low Blood Pressure: After bending or sudden movement to stand up can make you feel dizzy if your blood pressure is low because the heart does not pump enough blood to your brain.
- Poor Circulation: Lack of oxygen to brain can cause dizziness because the could not function well. This condition could be fatal as this can lead to serious conditions like heart attack, congestive heart failure, or abnormal heart beat.
- Anemia: Severe anemia can affect the amount of oxygen in your brain which is why you feel the dizziness.
- Inner Ear Problems: What regulates our sense of balance is our vestibular system found in our inner ear and an ear infection can great affect your balance which is why the dizziness every time you bend over.
- Side effects of Medication: Pain relievers, blood pressure drug, diuretics, sedatives, antidepressants, tranquilizers, and some antibiotics have side effects such as dizziness.
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