What do headache types tell about you and your health?
HEADACHE TYPES – This is what it means and indicates if you’re having pain in your head particularly on the left side only.
Most adults are affected by headaches. However, there are actually certain types of this condition depending on the location of the pain that will tell something about you and your health.

Although most headaches can ba treated immediately, there are just some which is actually a warning sign already of a serious health problem. Diving a bit, what does it mean if you are feeling a pain on the left side of your head?
Migraine could be the cause why there’s a throbbing pain on the left side. This is a severe headache that starts around the eye or temple and then spread across the head.
Here are some symptoms:
- changes to vision
- nausea and vomiting
- dizziness
- extreme sensitivity to sound, light, touch, or smell
- numbness or a tingling sensation in the face or extremities
Migraine is triggered by stress, certain foods, such as alcohol, cheese, or chocolate, skipping meals, sleeping too much or too little, bright lights or lights that flicker, sustained loud noise, and strong smells, such as perfume.
According to an article from Harvard Health, the following are the warning signs that you should start to worry about having headaches:
- when it started after you turned 50
- unusually severe headache
- there increasing pain when you cough or make movements
- it gets steadily worse
- causes changes in personality or mental function
- come with fever, stiff neck, confusion, decreased alertness or memory, or neurological symptoms such as visual disturbances, slurred speech, weakness, numbness, or seizures
- accompanied by painful red-eye and pain and tenderness near the temples
- developed after having a hard blow in the head
- if a person has cancer or impaired immune systems
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