Here are some farting causes and some facts you must know about this.
FARTING CAUSES – Doc Willie Ong imparts some information and facts about human farting from its causes to ways on how to prevent this.
Loud or silent, stinky or not, everyone farts. Doc Willie Ong says that an average person farts 10 to 25 times in a day and this is normal. Farting is a part of digestion which caused by air collected inside our stomach. In some cases, a person experiences excessive farting or called flatulence.

And here are the reasons behind this condition:
- Swallowing air from talking too much or talking while eating.
- You eat in a very swift manner which causes not breaking down of foods you consume.
- Eating candies, chewing gums, beans, corns, noodles, cabbage, and others because these are hard to be digested.
- Bubble from drinking beer and soft drinks causes you to swallow air.
Here are some tips if you keep on farting most of the time:
- Avoid eating the foods such as those mentioned above for it causes air and others that you know will only cause you to fart.
- Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. Also, avoid talking while eating.
- Avoid eating too much. Eat frequently in smaller meals throughout the day.
- Exercise regularly to prevent gas build up.
- Reduce stress because too much stress can oftentimes lead the person to do things which can cause farting such as smoking, chewing gum, eating sweets or drinking alcohol.
- Avoid sleeping while facing the electric fan or air conditioner.
Meanwhile, there are also several factors why we have stinky farts such as eating foods high in fiber, food intolerance like lactose intolerance, certain medications, constipation, and bacteria build up in your digestive tract.
See the full post below:
- Doc Willie Ong Answers: Why Many People Are Getting Fat Quickly?
- Health Tips: How Can These Negative Lifestyles Be Changed
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