List of Effects of Eating Cheese – The Positive and Negative
EFFECTS OF EATING CHEESE – Are you one of those individuals who love eating cheese whether or not it accompanies another food?
One of the common favorites of many people is cheese. They usually prefer cheese as the flavor for French fries, potato chips, and many other finger foods that cheese powders best match with.
Many people also love having a lot of cheese on pizza, on pasta dishes, on their salads, and even on some lunch dishes. Most cheese lovers can actually eat cheese as it is.
However, while cheese is a favorite of many people, most individuals are not aware of the positive and negative effects of eating cheese.

Based on an article on Healthline, here are the positive and negative effects of eating cheese:
On the green side…
- cheese is an excellent source of fat, calcium, and protein
- cheese contains Vitamins A and B12, phosphorus, zinc, and riboflavin
- cheese is high in omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin K-2
- a study found that eating cheese is a good way to protect the teeth from cavities
- high-fat cheeses like Brie, blue cheese, and cheddar has conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) that, according to studies, can help prevent obesity and disease
- the CLA that can be found in cheese can also help reduce inflammation
On the red side…
- cheese contains lactose thus lactose intolerant individuals may not be able to digest it
- cheese contains sodium and overeating it may cause a spike in the blood pressure level
- based on the article, cheese contains a lot of calories and may be high in fat and the intake of saturated fat should be limited
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