What are the causes and how to treat dry cough?
DRY COUGH – Here are the major causes and natural remedies if you are suffering from a disturbing and painful dry cough as per Doc Willie Ong.
There are two types of cough – productive and nonproductive – where productive cough produces phlegm or mucus while the other one, the nonproductive cough or also known as dry cough, doesn’t produce phlegm or mucus.

When you have dry cough, it causes a tickling sensation that makes you want to clear your throat and this often due to irritation. A cough is considered chronic if it lasts longer than eight weeks.
Here are some of the causes of coughing:
- smoking
- asthma cough-variant
- post-nasal drip from allergies
- Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
- side effects from medicine
- bronchitis
- post-infectious cough
Now, are you fed up with your stubborn coughing? What are the ways to get rid of your dry cough?
Check out some tips and ways below:
- Menthol cough drops and these are available in most drugstores.
- Use humidifier as it adds moisture to the air and to help you heal faster for it loosens the mucus.
- Consume hot liquids such as such as soup, broth, tea, or any hot beverage.
- Avoiding irritants such as smoke, perfumes, pollen, cleaning products, and pet hair.
- Add honey to your cup of tea for it has anti-inflammatory properties and acts as cough supressants.
- Gargle 1/2 teaspoon of salt with 8-ounce glass of warm water for 30 seconds. Don’t swallow it.
- Herbs such as thyme, peppermint, turmeric, garlic, marshmallow root, and among other.
- Drink plenty of water.
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