Excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks can increase risk to develop these cancer types.
CANCER TYPES – Here are the types of cancer which can likely be developed just by drinking too much of alcoholic drinks and beverage.
We all know that alcoholic drinks are bad for the health. However, for some apparent reasons, many people love it. In some occasions and celebrations, aside from food, this kind of drink is always present and the event wouldn’t be complete without it.

According to Doc Willie Ong, a health expert, the more you drink alcohol, the more it increases the risk of developing breast cancer to women and liver disease and liver cancer to men. This is which is why everyone must avoid drinking this kind of beverage.
Other types of cancer which can like be developed by drinking too much liquor are colon cancer, esophageal cancer, and laryngeal cancer. How does alcohol causes cancer?
Accordingly there are four ways and as such are: damages cells, increases damage from tobacco, affects hormones linked to breast cancer, and it breaks down into chemicals ultimately causing cancer.
There are certain symptoms of liver disease and they are the following:
- dry mouth and increased thirst
- abdominal pain and swelling
- yellowing of skin and eyes
- weight loss
For prevention, Doc Willie suggest proper amount of it for men and women but if possible, experts say to just avoid drinking. There might be specific benefits from these especially from red wine as it is made out of grapes, but then again, it can still cause harm and you surely wouldn’t risk that. There are many ways to be healthy and we must all choose to be healthy.
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