Beginning Stages Of Eye Stye – What You Should Know About This

What are the beginning stages of eye stye? Find out below.

BEGINNING STAGES OF EYE STYE – A sty or stye appears as a boil or a pimple; here are the beginning signs and symptoms.

A painful red bump on the edge of your eyelid is called a stye. Its appearance is similar to an acne pimple and has two types: external and internal.

Beginning Stages Of Eye Stye
Photo lifted from Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials


EXTERNAL – it forms outside the upper or lower eyelid and is the most common type caused by an infection in the eyelash follicle.

INTERNAL – it forms on the inner eyelids that are facing your eyeball

It can affect people regardless of gender and age, but this condition commonly happens to adults. It is caused by a clogged oil gland and a certain type of bacteria.

The following are the other factors that can lead to this according to a post from Medical News Today:

  • touching the eye right after picking or cleaning the nose
  • touching the eye with unwashed hands
  • applying dirty contact lenses
  • using old cosmetics
  • having high cholesterol levels
  • having belpharitis, or swelling of the eyelids
  • having diabetes
  • having skin conditions such as rosacea or seborrheic dermatitis

Among the signs and symptoms include a lump, pain in the eyelid, swelling in the eyelid, and tearing. Usually, it lasts for two to five days but in some cases, it may take a week or even longer.

One may also experience redness, soreness, the presence of pus, sensitivity to bright light, and blurry vision.

If you have a stye, make sure to avoid the following:

  • touching the affected area directly with your finger
  • squeezing or popping
  • wearing contact lenses
  • wearing eye makeup

Maintain good and proper hygiene to prevent and treat this.


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