If you are always hungry, these might be the reasons behind that you should know!
ALWAYS HUNGRY – If you have been feeling hungry all the time, here are the reasons that you should know to address this.
A growl in the stomach is an indication of emptiness or hunger. Sometimes, hunger drives you to feel several emotions like irritability and being out of focus. However, while some people get the hunger hours in between meals, it’s not the same with others.

Some people tend to feel hungry all the time and there are actually some explanations for your increased appetite. As much as many people are aware, if you eat more than what your body needs, you are most likely to gain weight and weight gain has corresponding consequences to your health.
Check out some of the possible reasons behind this:
- Meals lack protein. Getting enough protein is important to control your appetite which may help you consume fewer calories. Protein regulates hunger hormone.
- Not enough sleep. A good and quality sleep is definitely important. This is associated with a lot of good health benefits and not enough of sleep fluctuates your hunger hormoned leaving you hungry most of the time.
- A lot of refined carbs. Refined carbs have little to no fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Foods like soda, candy, and baked goods have refined carbs in it including bread and pasta which are made out of white flour. This causes your blood sugar levels to fluctuate.
- Low fat diet. Fats are identified into two – bad good. Of course, you have to choose the good ones. Healthy fats can be found in avocados, olive oil, eggs, and full fat yogurt.
- Not enough water. For hydration and detoxification, water is needed. This plays a great role to maintain a clean and healthy body. Water has appetite-reducing properties and sometimes, people just tend to mistaken thirst from being hungry.
- Lacks fiber. Fiber keeps you full for a long time and helps reduce your appetite. Food rich in fiber are plant-based foods and whole grains.
As per the article from Healthline, other reasons why a person has an increased appetite include distracted eating, too much exercise, too much alcohol, calories from drinks, stress, certain medications, eating too quickly, and some medical conditions.
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