What are the benefits of Cauliflower rice and how it can help you to lose weight.
CAULIFLOWER RICE – Here are the benefits and the nutrition contents of this Keto-friendly diet Cauliflower rice as substitute to high carb and starchy foods.
Did you know that you make “rice” out of cauliflower? Obviously, it is called the cauliflower rice and this is Keto-friendly diet food famous to those who are trying to lose weight. And as much as we are all aware of, cauliflower is one of the healthiest cruciferous vegetables. Other cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and kale.

It is loaded with nutrients including fiber, vitamins C, K and B6, and potassium. A cup of this has 25 calories only which makes it is best as substituted to high carb and starchy foods. It has lesser calories compared to 218 for a cup of cooked brown rice. Also, it is packed with various phytochemicals and antioxidants.
How does it help you lose weight? Accordingly, it has low caloric content for it can substantially cut down on calories and carbohydrates while adding fiber keeping you full. Aside from that, it is also 90% which can help hydrate the body.
Here are some health benefits of this:
- Lowers risk of inflammation: It has antioxidants that help protect cells from damage and oxidative stress that can lead to chronic illness.
- Lowers risk of cancer: It contains compound called sulforaphane that helps block abnormal cell development.
- Helps regulate blood pressure: The Sulforaphane is said to be linked to blood pressure-lowering benefits. It has also other benefits such as protecting the heart and preventing from cardiac disease.
- Protects bones: It is abundant in vitamin K which is for bone-mineral density and blood clotting.
- Boosts immunity: A single serving has 100% daily value for vitamin C that can support immunity, DNA repair, prevents infection, and stimulate formation of antibodies to fight off disease.
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