There are several types of coffee drinker and if you are an avid fan of coffee, find out what type you are through this post.
A lot of coffee drinkers claimed that they could not seem to function properly without their cup of coffee. Meanwhile, there are also some people who love this beverage but can go on with their day even without this. This just shows that people have different personalities when it comes to dealing with their coffee and we listed down below some types. Find out what’s yours!
Coffee Drinker – What Type Are You?
What kind of a coffee drinker are you? Here are some types.
Coffee is a famous beverage and if you are a coffee drinker, explore these different types and determine which type you are.
Drinking coffee is more than just consuming for the sake of it. To many people, it has become a lifestyle and their love of coffee even reached the point that without this, they could not function well.
There is still an existing debate as to which is better between coffee or tea and mostly, the answer is both. These drinks are both beneficial if taken in moderation. The benefits of coffee range from boosting energy to reducing the risks of cancer and diabetes.
However, how much coffee is too much coffee? High doses of this drink may cause adverse effects. The key is just taking the right amount. According to experts, six cups or higher can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Now, if you are a coffee drinker, you may try to classify yourself from these types:
- Quick or Instant Drinker
They are the people who are really not mindful of variations of this beverage. Just any flavor with hot water will do for them just as long as they get a daily cup of this. - Black Coffee Drinker
People like this believe that drinking black coffee straight is the right way of doing it. They like their drink simply just this way – no sugar, no cream, or anything else. - Normal Coffee Drinker
They are the ones who don’t need coffee on a daily basis. - Caffeine Dependents
They are the opposite of normal coffee drinkers. The dependents struggle to function well without a cup. - The Decaffeinated
The type who enjoys this drink but not the effects of this like coffee palpitation. - The Connoisseur
The person who is highly knowledgeable about the beverage such as the type they are drinking and why they are consuming it. You can rely upon them as they know where to get the best coffee in town.
What can you say about this? Let us know!