MOTION SICKNESS – Here is a comprehensive guide on you can reduce the risk of feeling nausea when you are in a moving vehicle.
It is undeniably a discomfort when you feel the urge to vomit everytime you ride a vehicle or you have what is called, Motion Sickness. Transporting is one of the things that happen daily to many of us thus it is really best to address this.
How To Avoid Motion Sickness For Pleasant Vehicle Ride – TIPS
HOW TO AVOID MOTION SICKNESS – Here are some tips on how you can avoid motion sickness when riding a car, a boat, a plane, etc.
One of the things that a lot of people is dealing with everytime they travel aboard a vehicle is motion sickness. It is a sick feeling that is triggered by a moving vehicle like a car, a plane, a boat, etc.
It is an uncomfortable feeling that may cause nausea, vomiting, pale skin, dizziness, and headache. Irritability may also be one of the symptoms or product.

Motion sickness is a result of the body standing still in a moving vehicle. Based on an article on Family Doctor, the common causes include:
- sitting in the back seat of the car being unable to see the horizon
- reading while the car is moving
- not getting enough air
How to avoid motion sickness for a pleasant vehicle ride? There are things that you can do at least prepare for the travel and lessen the chance of feeling sick while riding in a vehicle.
Tips on How To Avoid Motion Sickness
- Take motion sickness medicine one to two hours before the travel.
- Choose the best seat in a vehicle – the front passenger seat if in a car, the midpoint seats in a boat, or the sit over the wing on a plane. If you are riding a train, it is better to be face-foward.
- Get plenty of air. You may roll down the windows.
- Don’t read while riding in a moving vehicle.
- Lie down when you feel sick.
- Drink lots of water.
- Avoid a heavy meal before and during the travel.
- Avoid smells that make you feel sick.
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