Does eating salad for weight loss a good idea? Here are the benefits of this food.
SALAD FOR WEIGHT LOSS – These are reasons why eating green salad is not just good for weight loss but also for your overall health.
Easy to prepare and helpful to let you have enough nutrients you need in a day is a bowl of green salad. However, some factors may affect the health benefits it has such as what’s in it, the kind and amount of dressing used, and the toppings being put into it.
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It is important to be mindful of what you put in your bowl because instead of helping you lose weight, it might contribute to making you gain even more. In such cases, factors like overdoing the toppings and dressings, you forget to put protein and healthy fats, high amount of sodium, and among others. Being mindful is the key so you may get healthy and disease-fighting nutrients.
Check out the goods reasons for eating salad below:
- Natural fiber from fruits and vegetables. The more fresh and more colorful pieces you put in your bowl is the healthier it gets.
- “A diet rich in vegetables and fruits can lower blood pressure, reduce risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent some types of cancer, lower risk of eye and digestive problems, and have a positive effect upon blood sugar which can help keep appetite in check,” says an article from the Harvard School of Public Health. A bowl of salad should be a bowl of fresh vegetables and fruits.
- Helps you feel full faster and can satisfy you for a longer time which aids weight loss because through this, you get to cut back on the calories you take.
- Raw or roasted seeds like pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, and ground flax or chia contain healthy. These seeds will do as a healthy choice for your toppings.
- Lettuce, among the common vegetables added in your bowl, has folate and fiber which can prevent stroke and cardiovascular disease.
- High levels of water from the fruits and vegetables can help improve skin as per Foodal article.
- Weight Loss Tips: Salad Mistakes That Make You Gain Weight
- Skincare Tips – The Best and Worst Foods For Your Acne
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