How To Measure Waistline? (Here’s A Guide)

How To Measure Waistline

HOW TO MEASURE WAISTLINE – This is the correct and proper way of measuring your waistline and what the figure tells about your health. Your waistline size has a lot to tell about your current health status. The bigger your waist measurement means more excess abdominal fat you are carrying. This is how you can … Read more

Waistline – How To Measure Waistline and What The Measurement Means


This is what waistline means and how to correctly measure its size. WAISTLINE – Here’s the correct way to measure your waistline and what the measurement says about your body and your health. According to Merriam-Webstline, the waistline is “an arbitrary line encircling the narrowest part of the waist” or the “body circumference at the waist”. … Read more