Skin and Aging – Weird Things That Happen As You Get Older

Two related things are skin and aging and this is what can happen as a person ages.

SKIN AND AGING – These are some of the weird things aging can do to your skin that you probably don’t know yet.

Aging is a natural occurrence in one’s life. And what comes along with it are also physical changes that are visible to the eyes like wrinkling in the face, gray hair, and a lot more. Other changes include weakening of the bones, having blurred vision, and some cognitive problems like being forgetful.

Wrinkles, Skin and Aging
Photo lifted from LiveScience

Along with aging are also changes in the skin. These two things are related because the happening of the other (aging) can be seen in the other one (skin). Apart from wrinkles and sagginess, there are other things that can happen that you probably don’t know yet.

See below:

  • Actinic Keratosis – they are raised and crusty small patches that are in shades of either red, tan, or pinkish. They can become cancerous.
  • Seborrheic Keratosis – they are the tan or brown spots that may appear anywhere in the body.
  • Age Spots – these spots appear in parts that are mostly exposed to sun like your face, hands, shoulders, and arms. 
  • Cherry Angioma – they commonly grow in you chest, belly, and back and they are red small bumps in appearance.
  • Skin Tags – these are tiny flaps of tissue hanging in your chest, back, neck, armpits, or around your groin.
  • Solar Elastosis – this is caused by sun exposure that makes skin appear yellow with bumps and deep ridges.
  • Itchiness – this is caused by dryness. As you age, your skin becomes drier or such could be a sign of something serious if it lasts for over two weeks.
  • Bruising – old people get bruises easily because their skin becomes thinner and loses a layer of fat.

Varicose veins, spider veins, leg ulcers, contact dermatitis, skin cancer, and others can also happen according to an article from WebMD.


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