Nose Picking: Reasons Why It Is Dangerous and Right Things To Do

The habit of nose picking is gross and here is some nasal health habits you must follow.

NOSE PICKING – Gross is the habit of picking nose which is also dangerous most especially during this time of the pandemic.

What turned out to be a bad and gross habit of most people is nose-picking. It is where they pick out the crust inside their nose and has this weird feeling of satisfaction as if big dirt has been removed inside the nose. The dirt is called booger which is a piece of dried nasal mucus.

Nose Picking

Boogers are actually your body’s way of getting rid of extra snot. It is gross and one reason why it is dangerous is because we pick it through our finger. Bacteria and viruses will then be spread in everything we touch and also, the bacteria and viruses from the surfaces we touched is being brought inside our body. You are likely bringing coronavirus, along with others like influenza or rhinovirus (the common cold), directly into your body.

As much as we are all aware of, coronavirus enters the body through the mouth, eyes, or nose. It can also live on surfaces for long hours. Also, nose picking can cause some cuts inside the nose because the skin within is delicate as per an article from CNN Health.

Now, what is the right thing to do to clean the nose? The best way as per experts is blowing the nose instead of picking it. Blow in your tissue and wash your hands right after. Also, Neti pots or saline sprays are other options where it rehydrates the mucus and by then, you can smoothly have it come out of your nose.


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