Foods that Damage Teeth: Doc Liza Ong Reveals Teeth-Damaging Foods & Habits

FOODS THAT DAMAGE TEETH – Doctor Liza Ong revealed the foods and the habits that can greatly affect your teeth in a negative way.

The teeth undeniably is a big factor in the appearance of a person. Thus many people try some things to enhance their teeth like putting braces. In the case of most people, a set of white teeth is really a goal. There are foods and habits you must avoid to reach it.

Dr. Liza Ong Reveals Habits & Food That Damage the Teeth

Teeth-Damaging Habits & Food According to Dr. Liza Ong

Dr. Liza Ong shared through a video the habits and food that can damage the teeth and what to do instead.

Among the parts of the body that a lot of people were unable to take care properly are the teeth. Undeniably, a lot of individuals have missing teeth which affects their speaking ability. Unfortunately, it can also cause bad breath.

The practice of taking care of the teeth should begin since we are just kids. All the teeth should be taken cared well as a single damage can affect the other teeth next to the damaged one.

Through a video, a doctor by the name of Dr. Liza Ong revealed the habits and the food that can actually damage the teeth. It is best for children to know these as well so they can apply it.

Teeth-Damaging Habits:

  1. biting the ice
  2. drinking sweets
  3. eating candies
  4. drinking coffee
  5. bottle feeding
  6. using of teeth in opening a plastic wrap
  7. biting a pencil
  8. biting a nail

According to Doc Liza, the risk in using the teeth in opening a plastic wrap and as well as in biting a pencil or the nail is when it gets cracked. Teeth with cavity can get cracks easily. Also, the doctor cited that kids should be taught in drinking milk through a glass so they will get used to it.

With regards to the teeth-damaging food, here is a list of them:

  • gummy bears
  • candies
  • caramel
  • sweet bubble gum

According to Dr. Liza Ong, children can be given milk chocolate, crackers, and pretzels instead of the aforementioned teeth-damaging food. Also, you can give them dark chocolate or sugar-free bubble gum.

On top of this all, the practice of brushing the teeth is one of the most important. It should be incorporated since the child is small. Here is a video of Doc Liza Ong posted on YouTube:

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