What Is Normal Red Blood Cell Count for Males, Females, Children

Wondering What Is Normal Red Blood Cell Count Based on Gender, Age?

WHAT IS NORMAL RED BLOOD CELL COUNT – Here is a guide on the normal level of RBC for males, females, and children.

Usually, when a person is sick, one of the ways for doctors to diagnose what the person is suffering from is through a laboratory test. It may include getting the person’s white blood cell count, red blood cell count, SGPT level, creatinine, level, etc. depending on the symptoms experienced by a person.

For persons who are suffering from shortness of breath, sleeping problem, nosebleed, joint pain, itchy skin, back pain, and blurry vision, the doctor may require a test to determine the red blood cell or RBC count of the person.

The RBC count will show the number of red blood cells in the bloodstream. It is one of the major components of the blood along with platelets and the white blood cell (WBC).

What Is Normal Red Blood Cell Count for Males, Females, Children

Too high RBC count is not a good indication. It means that there may be an underlying condition. What is the normal red blood cell count?

Based on an article on Cleveland Clinic, the normal RBC count varies depending on gender and age. The normal RBC count for children are different from the normal RBC count for adult males and as well as adult females.

What is the normal red blood cell count for males, females, and children?

  • For males – 4.7 million to 6.1 million RBCs per microliter of blood
  • For females – 4.2 million to 5.4 million RBCs per microliter of blood
  • For children – 4.0 million to 5.5 million RBCs per microliter of blood

In case you have a high red blood cell count, the doctor may need to conduct another test to determine what is causing your RBC count to go above the normal level set for your age and gender.

You may visit – Symptoms of Low Platelets or Thrombocytopenia You Must Not Ignore

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