Symptoms of Vitamin E Deficiency You Must Not Take For Granted

Guide on Symptoms of Vitamin E Deficiency for Health Check

SYMPTOMS OF VITAMIN E DEFICIENCY – Here is a list of the signs you must not take for granted as they indicate that you are not getting enough Vitamin E.

There are a lot of ways to keep the body healthy. It is important to have enough rest and sleep daily and to get the healthiest food as part of your diet.

It does not entirely mean to get away from certain food. What you must possess is the self-discipline to have them in appropriate amounts.

Make sure that you are also getting enough rest at night. It is when the body performs its processes and cleansing thus staying up late may hamper it.

Symptoms of Vitamin E Deficiency

Another way to keep the body healthy is to make sure you are not lacking from certain vitamins. Let us take for example the Vitamin E.

There are symptoms of Vitamin E deficiency and it is important to not take them for granted. Based on an article on Medical News Today, here is a list of the signs you must not ignore:

  • vision deterioration – Insufficient Vitamin E may weaken the light receptors of the eyes and as well as the other cells in the eyes. If not addressed, it may lead to a loss of vision.
  • muscle weakness – Vitamin E essential to the central nervous system thus feeling weak is one of the symptoms of Vitamin E deficiency. It is also one of the main antioxidants of the body thus the lack of it may lead to oxidative stress and muscle weakness.
  • weak immune system – Based on the article, some researches found that the lack of Vitamin E stops the immune cells.
  • numbness and tingling sensation – Insufficient Vitamin E may affect the nerve fibers and can prevent the transmission of the signals correctly leading to numbness.

To address a Vitamin E deficiency, you may take a Vitamin E tablet or add food such as whole grains, nuts and seeds, and vegetables like spinach in your diet.

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