Pregnancy Symptoms – List of Signs that You Are Pregnant

Guide on Pregnancy Symptoms Women Must Watch Out For

PREGNANCY SYMPTOMS – Here is a list of the signs that are indicating the possibility that you are pregnant or carrying a child in your womb.

One of the most-awaited events for many women is pregnancy or the time when they will become a mother. For some women, they tied it to a goal that by a certain age, they wanted to have their little one already – but most would agree that life is a gift and it really depends on when you will be given the chance to a bearer of another life.

In some cases, when there are changes in the body or what is felt by a woman, she suspects that she might be pregnant. Truth be told that not everyone has the courage to take a pregnancy test right away.

Some have tried and tried for years and every single line on the pregnancy test leaves a scar on them. In other cases, truth be told that there are women who feel that they are not ready to be pregnant.

Pregnancy Symptoms

Usually, the first thing done is to check on the pregnancy symptoms. There are signs that can raise the possibility that you are carrying another life in your womb.

An article on Mayo Clinic has listed both classic and other pregnancy symptoms. These things might appear in the early stage of the pregnancy.

Classic Signs:

  • Missed monthly period – If you are in your childbearing years and you regularly have your monthly period then suddenly you missed it for days or weeks, there is really a possibility that you are pregnant.
  • Nausea with or without vomiting – The urge to vomit is the “morning sickness” that many pregnant women are suffering from especially in the early stage of pregnancy. It can also have a trigger like food.
  • Increased urination – Based on the article, you might find yourself urinating more than usual as your kidneys process the extra fluid that is left in the bladder amid the rising of amount of blood in the body when a woman is pregnant.
  • Fatigue – Intense sleepiness in the first trimester of pregnancy may occure.

Based on the article, the other pregnancy symptoms may include moodiness, bloating, light spotting, constipation, cramping, food aversions, and nasal congestion. It is important to take a pregnancy test and see a doctor.

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