Postpartum Depression: Its Symptoms & How To Cope w/ It

Postpartum Depression – The Signs You Must Not Ignore

POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION – Here is a guide on the symptoms of “baby blues”, why it usually happens, and the tips on how to cope with it.

It is widely known that childbirth changes the entire life of a woman. In fact, a woman already experiences a lot of changes the moment she gets pregnant. This is why the readiness or preparedness of a woman is really a big factor.

After childbirth, women tend to care for their infant more than anyone or anything – including themselves. Most of their time are dedicated to taking care of the babies and they even turn nights into days feeding the infant, changing the diapers, or getting the little one to sleep.

The changes may be followed by Postpartum Depression. This condition is now more prominent than before and many women, fortunately, understand it already even before it happened to them.

Postpartum Depression
Photo Credit: MGH Center for Women’s Mental Health

Postpartum Depression or also called “baby blues” is a condition wherein a mother feels sad or empty a few days after giving birth. Experiencing sadness for a few days may be understandable but if it continues for over 2 weeks already, it can already be depression.

The postpartum depression, based on an article on Women’s Health, can be due to the sudden changes in the hormonal level of a woman following childbirth. It can go very high during the pregnancy and abruptly go back to its pre-pregnancy level within 24 hours after giving birth. What are the symptoms of baby blues:

  • tiredness after labor and delivery
  • the feeling of being unattractive
  • grief or loss of who they were before they gave birth
  • doubts about the capacity to be a mother
  • tiredness from lack of sleep
  • the feeling of having no free time for yourself
  • stressed over the changes

Based on the article, addressing this type of depression may require therapy or medical treatment. You may see your doctor about it for intervention.

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