Normal Blood Pressure Level Based On Age of Person According to Doc Willie Ong (List)

Dr. Willie Ong Cites List of Normal Blood Pressure Level Based on Age of Person

NORMAL BLOOD PRESSURE LEVEL – Celebrity doctor Willie Ong cited the list of the normal blood pressure level based on the age of the person.

Undeniably, nowadays, a lot of people are suffering from hypertension or high blood pressure level. This health condition is only common among people who are 60 years old and above before but, now, even teenagers have it.

Hypertension can be caused by a lot of factors. According to Dr. Willie Ong, it may be due to changeable risk factors or unchangeable risk factors. With regards to the factors that can cause high blood pressure but can be avoided by a person, here is a list of them:

  • obesity
  • too much high sodium salt consumption
  • unhealthy habits
  • lack of physical activities
  • stress

With regards to the unchangeable factors that may cause high blood pressure levels, they are aging, race, family history, gender, and pregnancy. Filipinos and male individuals have higher chances of getting hypertension.

It is important to know the normal blood pressure level. It will depend on the age of the person. Here is the list based on the video of Dr. Willie Ong.

Normal Blood Pressure Level According to Dr. Willie Ong

  • 01 to 12 months – minimum = 75/50 and normal = 90/60
  • 01 to 5 years old – minimum = 80/55 and normal = 95/65
  • 06 to 13 years old – minimum = 90/60 and normal = 105/70
  • 14 to 19 years old – minimum = 105/73 and normal = 117/77
  • 20 to 24 years old – minimum = 108/75 and normal = 120/79
  • 25 to 29 years old – minimum = 109/76 and normal = 121/80
  • 30 to 34 years old – minimum = 110/77 and normal = 121/81
  • 35 to 39 years old – minimum = 111/78 and normal = 123/82
  • 40 to 44 years old – minimum = 112/79 and normal = 125/83
  • 45 to 49 years old – minimum = 115/80 and normal = 127/84
  • 50 to 54 years old – minimum = 116/81 and normal = 129/85
  • 55 to 59 years old – minimum = 118/82 and normal = 131/86
  • 60 to 64 years old – minimum = 121/83 and normal = 134/87

In the video, Dr. Willie Ong also cited tips to lower the blood pressure level. According to him, a person must eat food such as garlic, kiwi, grapes, leafy greens, banana, and watermelon. Staying away from junk food, butter, and other unhealthy food will also help a lot.

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