Monthly Period Tips: What Are The Foods You Must Not Eat?

Here are some monthly period tips on foods you must eat and not.

MONTHLY PERIOD TIPS – During your period, there are some foods you must not eat in order to avoid problems and complications about your menstruation.

Fatigue, instability, mood swings and awful cramps. These are some given dilemmas a woman can face during their red days. Headache, bloating, and diarrhea are also some they have to suffer to.

Monthly Period Tips

With these common conditions during period, there are also foods out there you must eat in order to counter those while others you will need to remove out of your list.

Now, here are some that you must avoid:

  • Avoid alcoholic drinks because it has negative effects that are undesirable during period and even to your general health. It can cause irregular period and increase the estrogen level whic can result to more painful cramps.
  • Avoid caffeine as consumption can lead hormones to fluctuate. It increases blood pressure and heart rate turning you to be in tension and have anxiety.
  • Frozen foods, fast foods, bacon, pickles, canned soups, and many other foods should be on you ‘Not To Eat List’ during red days. They contain high amount of sodium causing bloating and water retention. Thus, making foods high in salt must also be avoided
  • Fatty foods can interfere hormones leading to cramps and make you feel gassy. In increases production of a chemical called prostaglandins which can worsen you pain.
  • Avoid intake of dairy products such as milk, cream, and cheese for these cause acne.
  • Avoid frying of your foods for fried foods worsen your mood swings. These also worsen your acne problem as per Be Beautiful.
  • Refined grains like bread, pizza, cereals, and tortillas for eating foods like these during period cause the bloating and constipation.


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