KIDNEY STONES – Foods Allowed and Not Allowed for People w/ this Condition

What are the foods which are allowed and not to people with Kidney stones?

KIDNEY STONES – Doc Willie Ong shares to us the types of foods which are allowed and not allowed to people with kidney stones condition.

Hard deposits of minerals and salts that have formed inside the kidney is called “Kidney Stones”. This has many causes and can actually affect any part of the urinary tract.

Kidney Stones

One indication to know if you have this condition is if it is painful every time you urinate and change in color of urine to light pink which means that there’s a little blood. Pain can be felt in the side and back, below the ribs or to the lower abdomen and groin. This is caused by the stones moving through your urinary tract.

Prevention tips:

  • Drink three (3) liters of water or 12 glasses of water everyday. Stay hydrated.
  • Eat a lot of citrus fruits such as dalandan, kalamansi, lemon, suha, orange, and among others because they contain Vitamin C.
  • Consume foods that are high in Calcium and Vitamin D such as milk, yogurt, cheese, tofu, vegetables, fatty fish, egg, and many others.
  • Avoid salty and high-sodium foods such as soy sauce, bagoong, fast foods, curls, noodles, and others because these promote calcium build-up due to salt resulting to stones.
  • Too much consumption of protein-rich foods increases uric acid resulting to this condition. Eat in moderation.
  • Phosphate in soft drinks promote stones in the kidney as well.
  • Lessen sugar intake.

As soon as you feel the early warning signs and symptoms, see a doctor immediately to avoid further damage or infection.

Watch the video below:


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