How To Avoid Tears when Cutting Onion? Here’s A Guide

Tips on How To Avoid Tears when Cutting Onion – What You Need To Know

HOW TO AVOID TEARS WHEN CUTTING ONION – Here is a guide on some of the ways that can help you avoid tears when you are slicing an onion.

Slicing or cutting is a thing that many people who are into cooking love to do. You can slice or cut a tomato, a carrot, or any other ingredients based on the way you want it to. It is where creativity can take place even in the kitchen.

However, there is something that many people do not like cutting or slicing, even some chefs. It is the onion. Slicing an onion can really turn you into a dramatic actor in the kitchen and the people around may be wondering why you are crying.

Aside from the tears, slicing an onion can give you a painful sensation in the eyes. How to avoid tears when cutting an onion?

How To Avoid Tears when Cutting Onion

Before discussing some tips to avoid tears when slicing an onion, let us first talk about why onions bring tears like it does not want to be cut.

Based on an article on Simply Recipes, when an onion is cut, its cell walls break and it release fumes that react with the water on the surface of the eyes and it forms sulfuric acid. It burns the eyes leading to the production of tears.

How to Avoid Tears when Cutting an Onion?

  • Wash the chopping board right away after cutting onions. Make sure to wipe it with a sponge or a towel.
  • Work quickly and limit your exposure to the surface.
  • Cut the onion lengthwise to limit your exposure to the fumes.

With regards to the storage, based on the article, you can store sliced onions in the refrigerator for up to 10 days. Store it in an airtight container or a zipper top bag. However, if you want to have them raw, it is advised to consume them within a few days since you cut them as storing them intensifies their flavor.

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