Egg Yolk Benefits? Here are the benefits of the yellow part in egg…

List of Egg Yolk Benefits for the Human Body

EGG YOLK BENEFITS – Are you wondering if eating the yellow part of an egg has benefits since it is known to be a source of cholesterol?

One of the most popular foods that many people love to have on the table especially during breakfast is egg. It can be cooked in several different ways – sunny-side-up. scrambled, and boiled among the many ways.

The egg is a favorite food of a lot of people. Are you one of those who love to eat egg? It can be eaten alone or it can also be paired with almost any other breakfast foods like ham, sausage, and bacon.

However, on the other side of the fact that it is accessible, can be cooked in several ways, and a favorite of many people, it is also widely known for being a source of cholesterol.

Egg Yolk Benefits

Meanwhile, while eating egg may bring cholesterol to the human body, there are also nutrients that you can obtain from it – most especially from the yellow part or the egg yolk.

Based on an article on Medical News Today, the egg yolk benefits range from the health benefits in the gastrointestinal part up to vision.

List of Egg Yolk Benefits for the Human Body

  • Reduce risk of gastrointestinal distress: The egg yolk contains several proteins including phosvitin that can lower the number of compounds that cause inflammation in the body.
  • Boosted immune system: Sulfated glycopeptides, a compound that can boost the production of macrophages or the cells that protect the body against infection, are present in egg yolks.
  • Reduce blood pressure: Also one of the egg yolk benefits is its ability to lower the blood pressure level as it contains peptides that are known to ease the blood pressure level.
  • Lowers risk of vision problems: Egg yolks are an excellent source of zeaxanthin and lutein that can help prevent eye problems like cataracts and macular degeneration.

Based on the article, aside from the aforementioned egg yolk benefits for the human body, the yellow part of an egg also contains thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and Vitamins B-6, B-12, A, E, D, and K.

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