Alzheimer’s Disease Symptoms: Physical Indications of This Condition

What are the physical symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease that you must know?

ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE – Here are the physical symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease, a progressive and irreversible brain disorder.

Though as a result of an abnormal build-up of proteins in and around brain cells is the condition called Alzheimer’s Disease. This is accordingly a brain disorder that is progressive leading to shrinking of the brain and dying of brain cells.

Alzheimer's Disease
Photo lifted from Roche

Since this disease is progressive, from forgetting event, a person suffering from this condition may develop memory impairment and difficulty to achieve daily tasks in severe cases.

For the symptoms depending on the severity, check out the table below:

Memory lossIncreased memory loss and confusionInability to communicate
Poor judgment leading to bad decisionsInability to learn new thingsWeight loss
Repeating questionsDifficulty organizing thoughts and thinking logicallySeizures
Wandering and getting lostShortened attention spanSkin infections
Losing thingsProblems recognizing family and friendsDifficulty swallowing
Mood and personality changesHallucinations, delusions, and paranoiaGroaning, moaning, or grunting
Increased anxiety and/or aggressionImpulsive behaviorIncreased sleeping
Symptoms according to National Institute On Aging article

However, beyond than that, symptoms of this disease can also be determined physically. It can change your ways such as how your body works.

According to WebMD, below are the physical symptoms of Alzheimer’s:

  • Loss of balance or coordination
  • Stiff muscles
  • Shuffling or dragging feet when you walk
  • Trouble standing or sitting up in a chair
  • Weak muscles and fatigue
  • When and how much you sleep
  • Trouble controlling your bladder or bowels
  • Seizures and uncontrollable twitches

People surrounding the patient must have patience, undrstanding, and utmost care for them. Pneumonia, anotherf infection, and heart attack are the common causes for an Alzheimer’s patient to die.

There is yet no treatment or any medication that can cure or alter this disease.


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