Acanthosis Nigricans: What You Need To Know About This Condition

Here are some important things you need to know about Acanthosis Nigricans, a skin condition.

ACANTHOSIS NIGRICANS – Here are some of the essentials details you must know about the health condition called Acanthosis Nigricans.

The dark marks or patches on someone’s nape or part behind the neck is not because of being dirty or an indication of being untidy, it is a condition which tells something about your health. This patches also appear on other parts of the body with folds and accordingly, this is a “common skin pigmentation disorder” and in some cases, this has odor.

Acanthosis Nigricans
Photo lifted from Derm TV

This skin disorder happens to people who are obese or have diabetes and to children who have this, they are likely to have type 2 diabetes. Also, in some rare chances, this could be an indication of a cancerous tumor developing in an internal organ, such as the stomach or liver.

Treatment for this condition has not been discovered yet but the underlying condition related to this has treatment which can help restore the skin. Typically, this can appear in the armpits, groin, or at the back of the neck. The dark, thickened, and velvety skin are the noticeable symptoms. Risk factors are obesity, race, and family history.

According to Mayo Clinic, this is associated to the following causes:

  • Insulin resistance – This causes the type 2 diabetes.
  • Hormonal disorders – Such disorders include ovarian cysts, underactive thyroids, or adrenal glands problems.
  • Certain drugs and supplements – As such are niacin in high dosage, birth control pills, and other corticosteroids.
  • Cancer – This condition occurs when a lymphoma develops or cancerous tumor grows in your internal organs.


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