YAKULT PROBIOTIC DRINK – Can Lactose Intolerant People Drink It?

Is Yakult Probiotic Drink Good for Lactose Intolerant Individuals?

YAKULT PROBIOTIC DRINK – Here is a guide on whether or not lactose intolerant people can drink Yakult.

One of the known healthy drinks is Yakult. Most people are familiar with this drink that is packed in tiny bottles and have a sour flavor but it is delicious. In fact, it is a favorite of most kids.

Parents really make it to the point to give this drink to their children at least once daily. It is a probiotic drink carrying lactobacilli or microorganisms that are beneficial for the digestive system.

These live microorganisms can help maintain the balance of the intestinal flora. The drink is known to help prevent many diseases with the probiotic it contains.

Yakult Probiotic Drink
Photo: Justin Chin / Bloomberg

However, many people are hesitant to drink Yakult probiotic drink although they heard about its health benefits. It is because some individuals are lactose intolerant.

Lactose intolerant individuals are those who lack lactase, “an enzyme use for lactose hydrolysis in the intestine”, or a low level of it. Often times, they get loose bowel movement following an intake of a milk product.

In the case of Yakult probiotic drink, based on an article, lactose intolerant individuals may take this drink. It is because the milk in Yakult can easily be digested.

Do you want to know how many bottles of Yakult you may drink daily? You may visit – YAKULT TIPS – How Many Bottles of Yakult A Person Can Have Daily?.

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