WEIGHT LOSS: Food To Avoid & What To Eat Instead of It

Guide on What Food To Eat & To Avoid for Weight Loss

WEIGHT LOSS – Doctors Willie and Liza Ong cited the food to avoid and what to eat instead to reduce some weight.

Losing weight is one of the health-related challenges that many people are not successful at. Undeniably, it is because the temptation of delicious but unhealthy food is a very strong force not everyone can fathom.

Meanwhile, losing weight is not actually about getting away from all the delicious food. It is more on disciplining yourself and choosing the right food to eat – there are a lot of food that are both delicious and healthy.

Also, it is best to know the alternatives. For example, you want to eat some sweet rolls but it is no secret to the public that it can gain you weight. What should you eat instead of it?

Weight Loss by Dr Willie and Dr Liza Ong

In a video, Dr. Willie and Dr Liza Ong discussed about weight loss. They cited the food that people must avoid to reduce weight and what we must eat instead of these food.

Here are the lists of the food to avoid for weight loss and what to eat instead of these food:


  • Eat Clear Soup instead of Cream Soup.
  • Eat Fish Fat instead of Beef or Pork Fat.
  • Eat Chicken or Fish Meat instead of Beef or Pork Meat.
  • Eat Chicken Meat instead of Sausages or Longganisa.
  • Eat Plain Rice instead of Fried Rice.
  • Eat Plain Bread instead of Croissant or Muffins.
  • Eat Pandesal instead of Sweet Rolls.
  • Eat Pancakes with Little Butter or Honey instead of Pancakes with Full Butter.
  • Eat Shrimp Meat instead of Shrimp Head.
  • Eat Popcorn or Kropeck instead of Chicharon.
  • Eat Congee instead of Siomai or Siopao.
  • Eat Egg White instead of Egg Yolk.


  • Prefer Ketchup or Vinagrette over Gravy, Mayonnaise, Caesar’s, or Thousand Island for sauce.


  • Drink Skim Milk instead of Full Cream Milk.
  • Drink Fruit Juices instead of Carabao Milk.
  • Drink Diet Drinks instead of Soft Drinks.
  • Drink Ice Tea instead of Alcoholic Drinks.


  • Prefer ice candy or gelatin over ice cream.
  • Prefer angel cake over chocolate cake.
  • Prefer yogurt over milk shake.
  • Prefer fresh fruits over halo-halo.

In the video, Dr. Willie and Dr. Liza Ong also gave some tips for weight loss with regards to fast food. It is best not to go for added cheese on food and to have only small size drinks. The doctors advise a diet drink.

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