Foods For Migraine – Foods That Trigger, Prevent, and Treat It

Here are some of the things to know about foods for migraine to classify what can treat it or what can make it worse.

FOODS FOR MIGRAINE – These are the foods that can possibly trigger, prevent, or treat your migraine headache that you should know.

Migraine is the throbbing pain in the head that lasts for days affects your productivity at work and your effectiveness in some tasks that you do. Not every migraine is associated with some triggers but if it does, it is important to know the potential triggers.

See: Headache Triggers – What Are The Factors Triggering Headache?

Foods For Migraine
Photo lifted from Health Central

And in some cases, the triggers have something to do with the food that you eat.

Here are some foods that can trigger migraine:

  • Drinks with caffeine like coffee and tea.
  • Alcoholic drinks and beverages with artificial sweeteners.
  • Chocolate because it has caffeine.
  • Foods with MSG or monosodium glutamate.
  • Processed meats because of the added preservatives and frozen foods.
  • Aged cheeses like feta, blue cheese, and parmesan cheese because they have high contents of tyramine as they age.
  • Foods that are pickled and fermented.
  • Foods high in sodium.

On the other hand, eating foods like banana, watermelon, seeds and nuts, herbal teas, berries, mushrooms, yogurt, broccoli, spinach, and black beans are some that might help ease the pain.

Here are some of the things you should do about your eating habit if you have a migraine according to the Everyday Health post:

  • Choose to eat fresh foods and drop the processed ones. Pay attention to what you eat and be mindful of the foods that triggers the pain.
  • Eat fishes with high omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Keep yourself hydrated and the best thing to achieve this is drinking plenty of water.
  • Avoid skipping meals.
  • Achieve healthy weight and maintain it.

Meanwhile, food is not the only thing that might cause a migraine. Factors like certain medicines, hormonal changes, diet, and lack of sleep play a part.


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