Benefits of Guava? Here are the Surprising Things about this Fruit

List of Benefits of Guava for the Human Body

BENEFITS OF GUAVA – One of the popular fruits is guava but its health advantages for the human body are undeniably not so popular.

Fruits are undeniably among the best turn-tos if you want to keep your body healthy. Alongside vegetables, they provide most of the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that the body needs.

However, truth be told that while many people are eating fruits, there are benefits that are not clear or known to the people. Not knowing the benefits of a certain fruit may increase your chance of missing out on what you are really looking for.

One of the popular fruits is guava. In this article, let us talk about the guava benefits to the human body.

Benefits of Guava

Guava trees are native in Central America but they grow in different countries now including the Philippines. In fact, it is the kind of tree that you can find almost anywhere in the country.

This tree bears fruit that is oval in shape with light green or yellow skin. The inside may be in color white or pink and it has edible seeds.

Guava Benefits:

  • Boosts heart health – The potassioum and soluble fiber content of guavas make it an excellent food for the heart.
  • Helps relieve painful menstruation symptoms – Based on the article on Healthline, guava leaf extract was found to be an excellent painkiller and can help relieve cramps in the uterine.
  • Helps lower the blood sugar level – Studies found that eating guava can help control the blood sugar level and the effect can last up to two (2) hours since the in-take.
  • Promotes healthy digestive system – Also one of the benefits of guava is its ability to aid healthy bowel movements and reduce the risk of constipation. It is because of the dietary fiber.
  • Reduces risk of cancer – Guava contains a lot of antioxidants that can help prevent cell damage due to the free radicals in the body. Based on the article, it is the main cause of cancer.
  • Healthy for the skin – The antioxidants that guava contains is not only an aid in preventing cancer but as well as in keeping the skin heallthy.

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