Weight Loss: Reasons Why You Still Have That Belly Fat

Here are some weight loss tips about belly fats and why it seems like you’re not losing them.

WEIGHT LOSS – These are the things you are doing wrong in your diet the reason why you are still not losing that belly fat.

There are really just some things that are hard to lose such as our fats, especially on the belly. More than being a nuisance that keeps our clothes tight is the fact that it is also harmful and dangerous.

Weight Loss, Belly Fat

One known type is visceral fat which is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other serious conditions. And losing the excess fat in this area is a bit difficult but with discipline, there are certainly a lot of things you can do to get rid of it.

(See: Flat Tummy – Effective Tips To Prevent Belly Problems and Flatten Tummy)

To some, no matter how hard they try to let go of it, they just can’t and here are some of the reasons why:

  • You eat the wrong foods such as starchy carbohydrates and bad fats. Plenty of vegetables and fruits truly goes a long way when it comes to the benefits to our health. Avoid bad fats and choose the healthy ones from foods like fish, nuts, and avocados.
  • Overindulging in foods is the blame why you have those excess fats. Limit your intake and be smart of your food choices.
  • Smoking also contributes to more abdominal and visceral fat and this one reason why you must stop doing this.
  • Lack of exercise and any physical activity can actually grow your belly fat because you are technically doing nothing in burning it.
  • You might be doing the wrong exercises. Walking or running is always the best option to burn fat. Doing sit-ups are definitely not enough.
  • Lack of fluid can eventually lead to this. Choosing water over sweetened drinks can help weight loss and this is the only drink that contains no calories.
  • Not having enough sleep or quality rest could kick up your stress hormones. Keep away gadgets and other distractions when it’s time to sleep as per an article from WebMD.


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