Calisthenics Workout Plan – Guide and Sample Plan For Beginners

Here is a sample calisthenics workout plan. Check out below!

CALISTHENICS WORKOUT PLAN – Check out this beginner-friendly calisthenics workout plan and some ideas on what this workout does to the body.

The calisthenics workout is a type of workout that focuses on the person’s body weight. It helps improve strength, endurance, flexibility, agility, aerobic conditioning, and coordination.

Here are some examples:

  • Jumping jacks
  • Trunk twists
  • Push-ups
  • Pull-ups
  • Chin-ups
  • Sit-ups
  • Planks
  • Lunges

This workout, on average pace, can burn this many calories in 30 minutes:

  • 135 calories for 125 pounds
  • 167 calories for 155 pounds
  • 200 calories for 200 pounds

If done vigorously, you may shed off:

  • 240 calories for 125 pounds
  • 298 calories for 155 pounds
  • 355 calories for 200 pounds

In a post from Medical News Today, here’s a sample guide or plan for doing this kind of workout for beginners:

  1. pushups, 5 to 20 reps
  2. rest 30 seconds
  3. squats, 5 to 20 reps
  4. rest 30 seconds
  5. plank, hold for 30 to 45 seconds
  6. rest 30 seconds
  7. lunges, 10 to 15 on each leg
  8. rest 30 seconds
  9. jump rope for 30 seconds

It’s always good to start with small numbers and then gradually increase them over time. Perform this plan two to three times with two minutes rest in between each set.

There are three main reasons why people do calisthenics: to build strength, to build muscle, and to lose weight.

Is it ok to do this every day? The answer is yes.

If we want results and to achieve our goals, we need to keep moving. These goals will keep us progressing and be better. It doesn’t matter how much effort you’ve exerted, it is about being consistent.

Build a habit out of it and be committed.


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